Gait Analysis Treatment in Adelaide

Gait Analysis Treatment in Adelaide

At Keep Me Walking Podiatry, we offer comprehensive gait analysis to help our patients identify and address any issues that may be affecting their foot and ankle health.

Gait analysis is a process of evaluating the way a person walks, or their gait. It involves analyzing the movements of the feet, legs, and body during walking, as well as the forces and pressures that are applied to the feet. Gait analysis can help identify any abnormalities or issues that may be causing pain or discomfort when walking, and can help determine the most appropriate treatment.

Why you choose KMW Podiatry Gait Analysis:

Our team of experienced and compassionate podiatrists uses a variety of techniques and technologies, including video analysis and pressure-sensitive sensors, to assess our patients’ gait and identify any underlying issues. We also offer a range of treatment options, including dry needling, custom orthotics, vascular assessment, stretches and exercises, and in some cases, surgery, to help our patients find relief from foot and ankle pain and improve their gait.  

Treatment Options:

Treatments are different for every person depending on the patient’s symptoms and needs. Some treatment strategies may include:

Exercise &

Shoe wear adjustment



Dry needling


At Keep Me Walking Podiatry, we are committed to providing the highest level of care to our patients. If you are experiencing foot or ankle pain and are in need of a gait analysis or other foot care services, we encourage you to contact us at 1800962113 or through our website’s contact form to schedule an appointment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Gait analysis is a process of evaluating the way a person walks, or their gait. It involves analyzing the movements of the feet, legs, and body during walking, as well as the forces and pressures that are applied to the feet. Gait analysis can help identify any abnormalities or issues that may be causing pain or discomfort when walking, and can help determine the most appropriate treatment.
Gait analysis is typically performed using a combination of techniques and technologies, including video analysis, pressure-sensitive sensors, and other diagnostic tools. These tools allow our podiatrists to assess our patients' gait and identify any underlying issues that may be causing pain or discomfort when walking.
You can contact us at 1800962113 or through our website's contact form for more information or to schedule an appointment. Our team is here to help you identify and address any issues that may be affecting your gait and overall foot health.

Book an Appointment

Emergency Cases

Please feel welcome to contact our friendly reception staff with any general or medical enquiry call us.

Opening Hours

Monday – Friday 8.00 – 7:00 pm
Saturday 9.00 – 8.00 pm
Sunday 10.00 – 9.00 pm